Monument record MLI127448 - Cropmarks and Excavated Linear Boundaries, Station Farm, Sleaford Road, Tattershall
An area of linear cropmarks investigated by geophysical survey and excavation possibly relating to land boundaries, with limited dating evidence.
Type and Period (2)
- BOUNDARY DITCH (Unknown date)
- ENCLOSURE (Unknown date)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Full Description
An area of cropmark linear boundaries and at least one enclosure located at Station Farm, Sleaford Road, Tattershall, which may be related to other nearby areas of cropmark to the immediate west (MLI40445) and north (MLI40443).
Aerial photography from Google Earth taken in 2009 shows the site as being occupied by a series or irregular linear features and at least one enclosure, seemingly not all on the same alignment. {1}
While a geophysical survey was undertaken (ELI13601) the presence of agricultural manuring on the site was considered likely to mask archaeological features, with the survey appearing largely blank. {2}
Follow up excavations did record a number of linear features interpreted as possible land boundaries, one of which correlates to known field boundaries on historic mapping, however no dating evidence was returned. A single brick of possible Tudor origin was recovered. {3}{4}
Sources/Archives (4)
- <1> SLI11533 Website: Google. 2001->. Google Earth, Maps and Street View. 2009 Imagery.
- <2> SLI17024 Report: Allen Archaeology Ltd. 2021. Land at Station Farm, Tattershall. AAL Site Code TASF 21.
- <3> SLI18671 Report: Allen Archaeology Ltd. 2021. Archaeological Evaluation at Land at Station Farm, Sleaford Road, Tattershall. AAL Site Code TASF21.
- <4> SLI18672 Archive: Allen Archaeology Ltd. 2021. Archaeological Evaluation at Land at Station Farm, Sleaford Road, Tattershall. LCNCC 2021.201.
Grid reference | Centred TF 2038 5733 (408m by 421m) Estimated from Sources |
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (1)
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Record last edited
Jan 23 2025 12:28PM
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