Monument record MLI127192 - Iron Age to Roman Settlement Site including High Status Building, Victoria Street, Wragby


Evidence for an Iron Age to Roman settlement has been recorded at Victoria Street, Wragby. Field walking in the area has recovered a quantity of Roman material {1}{2}, and following a geophysical survey undertaken in 2016 {3}{4}, a scheme of trial trenching was undertaken in December 2016 to January 2017 {4}{5}. Ditches, and building remains including brick and stone walls, painted plaster, and an assemblage of pottery were recorded. The site is undergoing a strip, map, record (SMR), and the results of that report are forthcoming.

Type and Period (1)

  • (Late Iron Age to Roman - 100 BC to 409 AD)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Full Description

Evidence for an Iron Age to Roman settlement has been recorded at Victoria Street, Wragby. Field walking in the area has recovered a quantity of Roman material {1}{2}, and following a geophysical survey undertaken in 2016 {3}{4}, a scheme of trial trenching was undertaken in December 2016 to January 2017 {4}{5}. The remains of a substantial building were recorded, with brick and stone walls, painted plaster, and possibly a hypocaust heating system excavated, which are suggestive of a relatively high status building. Ceramic building material totalled 24.471kg. The painted plaster totalled 2.78kg, with 2.213kg of mortar. The presence of Egyptian Blue and the decoration is suggestive of a relatively high status, with the decoration being of broadly late 1st to late 2nd century style. The pottery recorded from excavated features totalled over 6.7kg, and ranges in date from the 1st century, to the 3rd, with the majority being of early to mid Roman in date. The pottery included table ware and mortaria, as well as a large quantity (almost a third of the total assemblage) of transitional wares and coarse native forms. The site is undergoing a strip, map, record (SMR), and the results of that report are forthcoming.

Sources/Archives (5)

  •  Article in Serial: Wilson, Pete. 2011. 'Roman Britain in 2010, I. Sites Explored, 4. Northern England. LINCOLNSHIRE' in Britannia. vol.42, pp.354.
  •  Article in Serial: Wilson, Pete. 2013. 'Roman Britain in 2012, I. Sites Explored, 4. Northern England. LINCOLNSHIRE' in Britannia. vol.44, pp.303.
  •  Report: Pre-Construct Geophysics. 2017. Archaeological Geophysical Survey, Land off Victoria Street, Wragby. -.
  •  Report: Pre-Construct Archaeological Services Ltd. 2017. Land off Victoria Street, Wragby, East Lindsey, Archaeological Evaluation. PCAS Site Code VSWE16.
  •  Archive: Pre-Construct Archaeological Services Ltd. 2017. Archived report, Land off Victoria Street, Wragby, East Lindsey, Archaeological Evaluation. LCNCC 2016.205.



Grid reference Centred TF 1306 7833 (190m by 132m) Estimated from Sources

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Record last edited

Aug 22 2024 10:04AM


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