Monument record MLI125739 - Roman Artefacts, Walter Gardens Allotments, Horncastle


A scatter of Roman artefacts, found at the Walter Gardens Allotments, Horncastle.

Type and Period (1)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Full Description

A large collection of Roman artefacts has been found over a number of years by holders of plots at the Walter Gardens Allotments. The assemblage was largely comprised of sherds from Roman greyware vessels, but included some pieces of colour coated ware, black burnished ware, shell tempered ware, a single piece of samian ware and several pieces of mortarium. The assemblage also included at least a dozen pieces of Roman roof tile, including some fragments of tegula and imbrex, and two fragments of dark green Roman glass. Two 4th century Roman coins have also been found, with these being separately recorded by the Portable Antiquities Scheme (as finds LIN-AD8C8F and LIN-134E02). Both coins were copper-alloy coins of the house of Constantine, dating to the early 4th century (see the relevant PAS records for full details). A selection of the finds were retained by the Horncastle History and Heritage Society. {1}{2}

Sources/Archives (2)

  •  Electronic Communication: Lincolnshire County Council. 2020. Information from Erik Grigg and Lisa Brundle. 13/07/2020.
  •  Website: Portable Antiquities Scheme. 1997->. Portable Antiquities Scheme Records. LIN-AD8C8F and LIN-134E02.



Grid reference Centred TF 2599 6887 (99m by 137m) Estimated from Sources

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

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Record last edited

Oct 19 2022 10:23AM


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