Building record MLI125499 - Outbuilding, 6 Sturton Road, Stow


Probable 19th century outbuilding to the rear of 6 Sturton Road, Stow.

Type and Period (1)

  • (Post Medieval to Modern - 1800 AD? to 2050 AD)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Full Description

Outbuilding of probable 19th century date, located behind 6 Sturton Road, Stow. The building is a single storey brick structure, with a pitched roof covered with corrugated asbestos or concrete sheeting. The outbuilding was originally bigger, based on its depiction on the 2nd edition 25" Ordnance Survey County Series map, but a portion of the building was demolished at some point in the past. The southern elevation has built out recesses in the lower portion of the wall, above which are chutes that are open to the interior of the building which allowed food to be passed down to the pigs. The western elevation has largely been rebuilt with modern concrete breezeblocks. The northern elevation appears to be a more modern addition to the outbuilding, which is built in brick with a mono-pitched roof covered with clay pantiles. The western portion of this elevation has a large opening, and is completely open to the west. This area was probably used for coal or wood storage. The eastern portion of the elevation is thought to be an old toilet, which is now being used for storage. The eastern elevation of the outbuilding has a large double door opening. The outbuilding has one large internal space, which has been used as a garage and as storage in more recent years. The outbuilding was photographically recorded in December 2018, prior to its demolition. {1}{2}

Sources/Archives (2)

  •  Map: Ordnance Survey. 1902-06. 25 Inch County Series Map - Second Edition. 1:2500. SK 88 SE.
  •  Report: Alice Gray. 2018. Outbuilding Behind 6 Sturton Road, Stow. -.



Grid reference Centred SK 88218 81882 (4m by 5m) Surveyed

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

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Record last edited

Jun 22 2022 12:35PM


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