Site Event/Activity record ELI14094 - Outbuildings at Crown Farm, Whaplode


Grid reference Centred TF 33079 25025 (27m by 27m) Surveyed


  • Building Survey


PCAS Archaeology Ltd


From 23 Nov 2023 to 21 Dec 2023 (at some time)



A historic buildings survey was conducted on outbuildings at Crown Farm, Stockwell Gate West, Whaplode, to inform their conversion to residential use. The study area comprised three ranges of buildings in C-shape plan form, around a crewyard open to the south. Historically associated with Whaplode House, a Grade II Listed farmhouse to the west (MLI94595), the complex is now part of Crown Farm. The outbuildings were all single storey brick constructions, under pitched gabled roofs. The North Range pre-dates the other ranges, and likely dates to the mid-19th century or earlier. Most of the doors and windows appeared to be contemporary with the construction of the East and West Ranges in the 1890s, and point to a change in use around this time. Internally, the North Range contained a large open cattle shed with a feeding passage, and a calf pen at the eastern end with timber feeding trough and hay rack. The East Range comprised another 4 bay cattle shed. A date stone on the south gable end was inscribed 'VR 18--', dating the range to 1887-1899, as it appears on the 1st Edition Ordnance Survey map of Whaplode. Formerly open to the crewyard, the west elevation was enclosed with horizontal shiplap above a concrete dwarf wall. Internally, it was sub-divided into three one-bay cattle loose boxes. The West Range comprised a small room of unknown use, with three pig sties to the south. As with the East Range, the sties were originally open to the crewyard, but the east elevation has since been bricked up. {1}{2}

External Links (0)

Sources/Archives (2)

  •  Report: PCAS Archaeology Ltd. 2023. Outbuildings at Crown Farm, Stockwell Gate West, Whaplode. PAL Site Code: CFWH 23.
  •  Archive: PCAS Archaeology Ltd. 2023. Outbuildings at Crown Farm, Stockwell Gate West, Whaplode. LCNCC: 2023.77.

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • Outbuildings, Crown Farm, Whaplode (Building)

Record last edited

May 29 2024 4:12PM


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