Site Event/Activity record ELI13949 - Outbuildings at Park House Farm, Laughton


Grid reference Centred SK 86294 97922 (23m by 12m) Surveyed


  • Building Survey


PCAS Archaeology Ltd


From 21 Jun 2022 to 21 Jun 2022 (on)



A historic building survey was undertaken prior to the conversion of former agricultural outbuldings to a commercial unit at Park House Farm, Laughton. The surveyed area comprised the North Range of a complex of outbuildings forming an L-shape around an open crewyard. The West Range, discrete from the other buildings and not part of the survey, is a single storey brick building under a pitched gabled pantile roof. It has been significantly altered and all openings except the doorway in the east elevation appear to be additions. A scar where the original forge and chimney were removed can still be seen in the southwest corner of the room. The North Range comprises two outbuildings, both single storey brick structures under pitched gabled pantile roofs. At the west end of the range and bonded with the farmhouse is a building with three south-facing doors leading into the crewyard and one door to the north. Internally it comprises three rooms: a small loose-box for animals, a cow house, and a north-south passage providing external access to the crewyard from the north. Both the cow house and loose-box have scars where feeding troughs once stood against the north wall. The eastern building in the range has been extended slightly to the north. It comprises two rooms: a heavy horse loose-box with in situ brick feed trough and timber hay rack, and a heavy horse stable which appears to have been adapted for use with mechanised agriculture. A large double sliding door has been inserted in the north elevation here. {1}{2}

External Links (0)

Sources/Archives (2)

  •  Report: PCAS Archaeology Ltd. 2022. Outbuildings at Park House Farm, Laughton. PCAS Site Code: PHFB 22.
  •  Archive: PCAS Archaeology Ltd. 2022. Outbuildings at Park House Farm, Laughton. LCNCC: 2022.91.

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • Outbuildings at Park House Farm, Laughton (Building)

Record last edited

Dec 4 2023 8:56AM


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