Site Event/Activity record ELI13942 - Charity Farm, Clough Road, Gosberton Risegate
Grid reference | Centred TF 20076 29685 (45m by 25m) Surveyed |
- Building Survey
Neville Hall
From 18 Jun 2016 to 18 Jun 2016 (on)
A historic building survey was undertaken at agricultural outbuildings at Charity Farm, Gosberton Risegate, prior to their conversion to a new farm shop and tea room/café. The survey area includes four ranges of red brick buildings with slate roofs arranged in E-shape plan form around a crewyard open to the south. The farmhouse is attached to the southern end of the West Range. The complex is assumed to date from the mid-19th century. The West Range is a single storey building originally with four bays divided by internal walls, with a fireplace in the centre of the north wall. To the north of the West Range is a two storey outbuilding of unknown use, divided into two floors. The North Range is bisected by the Central Range. To the west are two outbuildings; one two bay animal shelter with bick and timber food troughs in the north wall, and one three bay barn or cart shed open to the crewyard, with the bays divided by cast iron columns. To the east of the Central Range, the North Range comprises a similar three bay structure open to the crewyard. The Central Range is a single storey building, with a large animal shelter to the north with timber food troughs and hay racks in situ. An infilled window in the north wall suggests that this was once an exterior elevation of the North Range, and that the Central Range was a later addition. To the south of this room is a pair of small storage rooms. The East Range is comprised of two parts; the northen half is a two storey building with significant 20th century alteration for use as residential accommodation, and the southern half is a single storey former piggery, with two small doors in the west elevation for animal access to the crewyard. {1}{2}
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Sources/Archives (2)
- <1> SLI17753 Report: Neville Hall. 2016. Charity Farm, Clough Road, Gosberton Risegate. NH Site Code: CFGO16.
- <2> SLI17754 Archive: Neville Hall. 2016. Charity Farm, Clough Road, Gosberton Risegate. LCNCC: 2016.36.
Related Monuments/Buildings (2)
Record last edited
Nov 27 2023 3:00PM