Site Event/Activity record ELI13514 - Parsonage Farm, Tydd St Mary


Grid reference Centred TF 42941 18481 (35m by 24m)


  • Building Survey


Cotswold Archaeology


From 04 Mar 2019 to 04 Mar 2019 (on)



A programme of historic building recording of Parsonage Farm, Tydd St Mary, was conducted prior to the conversion of the farm buildings to a residential dwelling. A single site visit was undertaken as part of the survey. The recorded buildings formed a farmstead, which was characteristic of the local 19th century farmsteads. It comprised a regular L-plan courtyard which is typical of the small farms in the Fens area, though it no longer possesses its original farmhouse which was demolished after 1931. A photographic record and plan was made of the interior and exterior of the buildings surveyed. Most of the buildings have undergone significant alteration or repair during the 19th and 20th centuries. Forming the North Range of the complex is a low barn, likely used for storage or loading/unloading of goods onto carts, rather than for threshing. It has a large entrance in its east elevation and an infilled entrance of similar size in its west elevation. There are also two infilled segmental arch openings in the south elevation, one of which may have been a window. A significant portion of the brickwork of this building has been replaced with modern brick, and the roof has been replaced with one of machine-cut timbers and corrugated metal sheeting. A single storey brick stable with a hipped pantile roof forms the West Range of the complex.There is an extant timber hayrack on the west wall. Divided from the stable by a breeze block and timber wall is an animal shelter, open at its east elevation to provide access to the courtyard. Forming the southeast corner of the complex are a small ramshackle building of unknown use and a cartshed, the southern half of which has been enclosed to form a separate workshop. The south side of the courtyard is enclosed by a brick wall, which has been reinforced at some point in the 20th century with an angled brick buttress. {1}

External Links (0)

Sources/Archives (1)

  •  Report: Cotswold Archaeology. 2019. Parsonage Farm, Tydd St Mary. -.

Related Monuments/Buildings (2)

  • Outbuildings at Parsonage Farm, Tydd St Mary (Building)
  • Parsonage Farm, Tydd St. Mary (Monument)

Record last edited

Jan 12 2024 9:59AM


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